1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Albert Camus: "Kami [Raymond dan Meursault] saling menatap tanpa berke...

"Kami [Raymond dan Meursault] saling menatap tanpa berkedip, dan semuanya berhenti di sana di antara laut, pasir, dan matahari, dan keheningan ganda seruling dan air. Saat itulah saya menyadari bahwa Anda bisa menembak atau tidak menembak."

--- Albert Camus

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We [Raymond and Meursault] stared at each other without blinking, and everything came to a stop there between the sea, the sand, and the sun, and the double silence of the flute and the water. It was then that I realized that you could either shoot or not shoot.