1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Alfred Rosenberg: "Di sisi lain, kepahlawanan adalah dasar dari karakt...

"Di sisi lain, kepahlawanan adalah dasar dari karakter masyarakat Nordik. Kepahlawanan dari periode mitos kuno dan inilah yang menentukan tidak pernah hilang, meskipun masa-masa kemunduran, selama darah Nordik masih hidup. Sebenarnya, heroisme mengambil banyak bentuk, dari bangsawan pejuang Siegfried atau Hercules hingga bangsawan intelektual Copernicus dan Leonardo, bangsawan religius Eckehart dan Lagarde, atau bangsawan politik Frederick the Great dan Bismarck, dan substansinya tetap sama."

--- Alfred Rosenberg

Versi Bahasa Inggris

On the other hand, heroism is basic to the character of the Nordic peoples. This heroism of the ancient mythic period and this is what is decisive has never been lost, despite times of decline, so long as the Nordic blood was still alive. Heroism, in fact, took many forms, from the warrior nobility of Siegfried or Hercules to the intellectual nobility of Copernicus and Leonardo , the religious nobility of Eckehart and Lagarde, or the political nobility of Frederick the Great and Bismarck , and its substance has remained the same.