1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Brad Alan Lewis: "Perahu lain, empat, empat pendayung lurus tanpa coxs...

"Perahu lain, empat, empat pendayung lurus tanpa coxswain, berlari melalui armada kami. Aku memandang mereka ketika mereka melewatinya, dan aku dengan cepat melihat lagi. Perahu ini tampaknya diawaki oleh empat kerangka. Tulang pipi mereka menonjol seperti simpul, tulang rusuk mereka jelas didefinisikan seolah-olah dilukis. Setiap otot tungkai dan lengan tampak tegang seperti kabel baja. Empat pasang mata yang dalam menatap kami, menyampaikan "tampilan." Keempat pria yang mendayung cangkang itu adalah jenis pendayung khusus yang dikenal sebagai 'lightweights'."

--- Brad Alan Lewis

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Another boat, a straight-four, four sweep oarsmen without a coxswain, raced through our flotilla. I looked at them as they jetted past, and I quickly looked again. This boat appeared to be manned by four skeletons. Their cheek bones stood out like knots, their ribs were clearly defined as if they were painted on. Every leg and arm muscle showed as taut as steel cabling. Four pairs of deep-set eyes peered at us, conveying 'the look.' The four men who were rowing that shell were a special breed of oarsmen known as 'lightweights'.