1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Charles Lever: "Hujan berhamburan deras ke jendela-jendela, dan angin...

"Hujan berhamburan deras ke jendela-jendela, dan angin menyapu angin kencang dan gelisah di sepanjang jalan-jalan suram dan sepi, ketika sekelompok tiga orang duduk di atas anggur mereka, di tumpukan tua megah yang pernah membentuk resor dari Anggota Irlandia, di College Green, Dublin, dan pergi dengan nama Daly Clubhouse."

--- Charles Lever

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The rain was dashing in torrents against the window-panes, and the wind sweeping in heavy and fitful gusts along the dreary and deserted streets, as a party of three persons sat over their wine, in that stately old pile which once formed the resort of the Irish Members, in College Green, Dublin, and went by the name of Daly's Clubhouse.