1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cornelia Funke: "Wajah Mortimer memelintir ketika Piper menempelkan pi...

"Wajah Mortimer memelintir ketika Piper menempelkan pisau ke tulang rusuknya. Oh ya, dia jelas membuat musuh yang salah dalam cerita ini, pikir Orpheus. Dan teman yang salah. Tapi itu pahlawan yang berpikiran tinggi untukmu. Bodoh."

--- Cornelia Funke

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Mortimer's face twisted when the Piper pressed his knife against his ribs. Oh yes, he's obviously made the wrong enemies in this story, thought Orpheus. And the wrong friends. But that was high-minded heroes for you. Stupid.