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David Duchovny: "Di Princeton saya menulis makalah junior saya di Virg...

"Di Princeton saya menulis makalah junior saya di Virginia Woolf, dan untuk tesis senior saya, saya menulis tentang Samuel Beckett. Saya menulis beberapa tentang "Antara Kisah Para Rasul" dan "Mrs. Dalloway" tetapi kebanyakan tentang "Ke Mercusuar." Dengan Beckett saya berfokus, dengan aneh, pada novel-novelnya, "Molloy," "Malone Dies," dan "The Unnamable." "Saat itulah aku memutuskan untuk tidak menulis lagi."

--- David Duchovny

Versi Bahasa Inggris

At Princeton I wrote my junior paper on Virginia Woolf, and for my senior thesis I wrote on Samuel Beckett. I wrote some about "Between the Acts" and "Mrs. Dalloway'' but mostly about "To the Lighthouse." With Beckett I focused, perversely, on his novels, "Molloy," "Malone Dies," and "The Unnamable." That's when I decided I should never write again.