1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Deb Caletti: "Terkadang mungkin Anda harus membiarkan seseorang yang A...

"Terkadang mungkin Anda harus membiarkan seseorang yang Anda cintai bepergian jauh dari Anda. Anda seharusnya tidak berpikir Anda perlu berangkat untuk mengambilnya dan mengembalikannya ke tempat semula. Terkadang mereka hanya aman dan bahagia, seperti Annabelle Aurora. Dan di lain waktu, mungkin saja mereka tersesat di laut. Maka, menjadi tugas Anda untuk keluar ke kapal dan mencari, sekalipun ombaknya berombak dan angin menderu protes orang mati."

--- Deb Caletti

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Sometimes maybe you should let someone you love travel great distances away from you. You shouldn’t think you needed to set out to retrieve them and put them back where they belonged. Sometimes they were only safe and happy, like Annabelle Aurora. And then other times, it was just possible they were lost at sea. It would be your duty, then, to get out into the boat and search, even if the waves were choppy and the wind was howling the protests of the dead.