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Douglas Coupland: "Apakah Anda ingat serial TV lama itu, Get Smart? Ap...

"Apakah Anda ingat serial TV lama itu, Get Smart? Apakah Anda ingat di awal di mana Maxwell Smart berjalan menyusuri koridor rahasia dan ada semua pintu yang membuka ke samping, dan terbalik serta gateway dan semacamnya? Saya pikir semua orang menyimpan banyak pintu seperti ini antara mereka dan dunia. Tetapi ketika Anda sedang jatuh cinta, semua pintu Anda terbuka, dan semua pintu mereka terbuka. Dan Anda meluncur di aula bersama."

--- Douglas Coupland

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Do you remember that old TV series, Get Smart? Do you remember at the beginning where Maxwell Smart is walking down the secret corridor and there are all of those doors that open sideways, and upside down and gateways and stuff? I think that everyone keeps a whole bunch of doors just like this between themselves and the world. But when you're in love, all of your doors are open, and all of their doors are open. And you roller-skate down your halls together.