1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Emma Forrest: "Saya pikir itu semacam titik hipotesis di mana komunism...

"Saya pikir itu semacam titik hipotesis di mana komunisme dan fasisme bertemu. Mereka suka tragedi, dan mereka suka kecantikan permukaan. Anda hanya menontonnya dimainkan berulang-ulang di media. Glamor edisi Inggrislah yang mencari cerita-cerita tentang para janda perang Irak, tetapi menyebutkan bahwa mereka harus menarik."

--- Emma Forrest

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think it's sort of the hypothetical point where communism and fascism meet. They love tragedy, and they love surface beauty. You just watch it play out over and over in the media. It was the English edition of Glamour who were looking for stories of Iraqi war widows, but specified that they had to be attractive.