1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Gordon Korman: "Telepon berdering di telepon. pusat. Ian berkonsultasi...

"Telepon berdering di telepon. pusat. Ian berkonsultasi dengan monitor. "Ini Dan." Dia menekan tombol. "Kabra di sini." Suara Dan berderak melalui loteng. "Jangan katakan seperti itu," keluhnya. "Namamu masih membuatku mulas."

--- Gordon Korman

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The phone rang in the comm. center. Ian consulted the monitor. "It's Dan." He pressed a button. "Kabra here." Dan's voice crackled through the attic. "Don't say it like that," he complained. "Your name still gives me heartburn.