1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Gustave Flaubert: "Dia mencintai laut hanya karena badai, merawat vege...

"Dia mencintai laut hanya karena badai, merawat vegetasi hanya ketika tumbuh di sana-sini di antara reruntuhan. Dia harus mengekstraksi semacam keuntungan pribadi dari berbagai hal dan dia menolak karena segala sesuatu yang tidak berguna tidak menjanjikan kepuasan segera - karena temperamennya lebih sentimental daripada artistik, dan yang dia cari adalah emosi, bukan pemandangan."

--- Gustave Flaubert

Versi Bahasa Inggris

She loved the sea for its storms alone, cared for vegetation only when it grew here and there among ruins. She had to extract a kind of personal advantage from things and she rejected as useless everything that promised no immediate gratification — for her temperament was more sentimental than artistic, and what she was looking for was emotions, not scenery.