1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

John Glenn: "Kami berpikir bahwa peluang untuk bekerja dengan baik nai...

"Kami berpikir bahwa peluang untuk bekerja dengan baik naik di atas 90 persen atau kami tidak akan pergi. Tetapi - ada beberapa masalah yang muncul dalam penerbangan tetapi mampu menangani hal-hal yang baik itu dan - meskipun itu adalah hal-hal yang belum terlalu kami latih. Tapi itu adalah masa Perang Dingin dan ada banyak tekanan pada - untuk pergi dan Rusia mengklaim bahwa mereka - Soviet mengklaim mereka di depan kita dalam teknologi."

--- John Glenn

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We thought that the odds of things working OK were up in the upper 90 percent or we wouldn't have gone. But the - there were some problems cropped up on the flight but was able to take care of those OK and - although they were things that we hadn't really trained that much for. But it was the time of the Cold War and so there were was a lot of pressure on the - to get going and the Russians were claiming that they were - Soviets were claiming they were ahead of us in technology.