1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Kristen Connolly: "Sebelum dia meninggal, Harry berkata bahwa istrinya...

"Sebelum dia meninggal, Harry berkata bahwa istrinya tahu segalanya tentang setiap trik yang dia lakukan, dan bahwa dia tahu bagaimana mereka semua bekerja. Sangat menarik untuk bermain dengan ide itu, dan untuk menemukan tempat-tempat di mana dia benar-benar takut akan keselamatannya dan di mana dia bermain bersama. Saya harus menemukan garis antara apa itu pertunjukan dan apa yang nyata, dan itu juga sihir. Itu benar-benar menyenangkan. Mereka benar-benar mitra, dalam segala hal."

--- Kristen Connolly

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Before he died, Harry said that his wife knew everything about every trick that he did, and that she knew how they all worked. It was interesting to play with that idea, and to find the places where she really was afraid for his safety and where she was playing along. I had to find that line between what's a performance and what's real, and that's so much of what magic is, as well. It was really, really fun. They were really partners, in every sense of the word.