1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Leonardo DiCaprio: "Ketika saya berusia delapan belas tahun, Sungai Ph...

"Ketika saya berusia delapan belas tahun, Sungai Phoenix jauh dan jauh pahlawan saya. Pikirkan semua pertunjukan hebat awal itu - My Own Private Idaho. Di sisiku. Saya selalu ingin bertemu dengannya. Suatu malam, saya berada di pesta Halloween ini, dan dia melewati saya. Dia sangat pucat - dia tampak putih. Sebelum saya mendapat kesempatan untuk menyapa, dia pergi, pergi ke Ruang Viper, di mana dia jatuh dan meninggal. Itu pelajaran."

--- Leonardo DiCaprio

Versi Bahasa Inggris

When I was eighteen, River Phoenix was far and away my hero. Think of all those early great performances - My Own Private Idaho. Stand by Me. I always wanted to meet him. One night, I was at this Halloween party, and he passed me. He was beyond pale - he looked white. Before I got a chance to say hello, he was gone, driving off to the Viper Room, where he fell over and died. That's a lesson.