1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Linda Colley: "Sejak Reformasi, kasus undang-undang yang membatasi uma...

"Sejak Reformasi, kasus undang-undang yang membatasi umat Katolik telah dibangun terutama untuk melindungi seorang Protestan yang gelisah terhadap apa yang dianggap sebagai kolom kelima di tengah-tengahnya ... -agama, pangeran dari House of Stuart. Namun, setelah Pertempuran Culloden mengonfirmasi tidak signifikannya Jacobitisme, sikap pemerintah terhadap Katolik mulai terasa secara logis dan santai."

--- Linda Colley

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Ever since the Reformation, the case of legislation confining Catholics had been constructed primarily to protect a nervously Protestant against what was assumed to be a fifth column in its midst... Ministers believedm with some justice, that Catholics retained an attachment to their exiled co-religionists, the princes of the House of Stuart. After the Battle of Culloden had confirmed Jacobitism's insignificance, however, government attitudes towards Catholicism began perceptibly and logically to relax.