1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Marty Stuart: "Dari menonton Lester (Flatt), saya belajar bahwa pentin...

"Dari menonton Lester (Flatt), saya belajar bahwa penting untuk setia kepada orang-orang yang membuat Anda dan membeli musik Anda. Dia memanggil saya ke depan bus (tur) pada perjalanan pertama saya pergi bersamanya. Lester menunjuk dua orang tua yang berjalan menuju tetapi. Dia berkata, 'Kedua orang itu telah datang menemui saya sejak pertengahan 40-an. Itulah tujuan dari penggemar pedesaan. '"

--- Marty Stuart

Versi Bahasa Inggris

From watching Lester (Flatt), I learned that it's important to be loyal to the people who made you and bought your music. He called me up to the front of the (tour) bus on the very first trip I went on with him. Lester pointed out two elderly people who were walking towards the but. He said, 'Those two people have been coming to see me since the mid 40's. That's what a country fan is all about.'