1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Michael Ende: "Dan jika seseorang merasa hidupnya telah gagal total, d...

"Dan jika seseorang merasa hidupnya telah gagal total, dan bahwa dia sendiri hanya satu di antara jutaan orang yang sama sekali tidak penting yang bisa diganti semudah kaca jendela pecah, dia akan pergi dan mencurahkan isi hatinya kepada Momo. Dan, bahkan ketika dia berbicara, dia akan menyadari dengan beberapa cara misterius bahwa dia benar-benar salah: bahwa hanya ada satu orang seperti dirinya di seluruh dunia, dan bahwa, akibatnya, ia penting bagi dunia dengan caranya sendiri yang khusus . Itulah bakat Momo untuk mendengarkan."

--- Michael Ende

Versi Bahasa Inggris

And if someone felt that his life had been an utter failure, and that he himself was only one among millions of wholly unimportant people who could be replaced as easily as broken windowpanes, he would go and pour out his heart to Momo. And, even as he spoke, he would come to realize by some mysterious means that he was absolutely wrong: that there was only one person like himself in the whole world, and that, consequently, he mattered to the world in his own particular way. Such was Momo's talent for listening.