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Michelangelo Signorile: "Peringkat persetujuan George W. Bush merosot...

"Peringkat persetujuan George W. Bush merosot ketika orang Amerika menyadari bahwa bukan pernikahan gay yang menghancurkan negara itu, melainkan presiden, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice dan anggota geng lainnya di Gedung Putih. Merekalah yang membawa kami berperang berdasarkan kebohongan dan merusak integritas bangsa."

--- Michelangelo Signorile

Versi Bahasa Inggris

George W. Bush's approval ratings have plummeted as Americans realize that it's not gay marriage that's destroying the country, but rather the president, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and the rest of the gang in the White House. They're the ones who've taken us to war based on lies and have irreparably damaged the nation's integrity.