1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Osamu Dazai: "Saya takut naik trem karena kondektur; Aku takut memasuk...

"Saya takut naik trem karena kondektur; Aku takut memasuki Teater Kabuki karena takut akan penjaga pintu berdiri di sepanjang sisi tangga berkarpet merah di pintu masuk utama; Saya takut pergi ke restoran karena saya diintimidasi oleh para pelayan yang diam-diam melayang di belakang saya menunggu piring saya dikosongkan."

--- Osamu Dazai

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I was afraid to board a streetcar because of the conductor; I was afraid to enter the Kabuki Theater for fear of the usherettes standing along the sides of the red-carpeted staircase at the main entrance; I was afraid to go into a restaurant because I was intimidated by the waiters furtively hovering behind me waiting for my plate to be emptied.