1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Patrick Ness: "Saya tidak tahu berapa banyak waktu berlalu dengan kami...

"Saya tidak tahu berapa banyak waktu berlalu dengan kami hanya berbaring di sana, hanya merasa bahwa yang lain benar-benar ada, benar-benar benar, benar-benar hidup, merasakan keselamatannya, beratnya terhadap saya, kekasaran jari-jarinya menyentuh wajah saya, kehangatannya, bau tubuhnya, dan debu pakaiannya, dan kami nyaris tidak berbicara."

--- Patrick Ness

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I don't know how much time passes with us just lying there, just feeling that the other is really there, really true, really alive, feeling the safety of him, his weight against mine, the roughness of his fingers touching my face, his warmth and his smell and the dustiness of his clothes, and we barely speak.