1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Paul Frolich: "Pada jam 8 pagi, sekelompok besar pekerja - hampir 10.0...

"Pada jam 8 pagi, sekelompok besar pekerja - hampir 10.000 - berkumpul di alun-alun, yang sudah diduduki polisi sebelumnya. Suara Karl Liebknecht kemudian terdengar: 'Turun dengan Perang! Turun dengan Pemerintah! ' Polisi segera bergegas padanya. Untuk pertama kalinya sejak awal perang, perlawanan terbuka terhadapnya telah muncul di jalan-jalan ibukota. Esnya pecah."

--- Paul Frolich

Versi Bahasa Inggris

At 8 o'clock in the morning a dense throng of workers - almost 10,000 - assembled in the square, which the police had already occupied well ahead of time. Karl Liebknecht's voice then rang out: 'Down with the War! Down with the Government!' The police immediately rushed at him. For the first time since the beginning of the war open resistance to it had appeared on the streets of the capital. The ice was broken.