1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Paulo Coelho: "Seringkali, selama pertempuran, pejuang cahaya menerima...

"Seringkali, selama pertempuran, pejuang cahaya menerima pukulan yang tidak diharapkannya. Dan dia menyadari bahwa, selama perang, musuhnya pasti akan memenangkan beberapa pertempuran. Ketika ini terjadi, prajurit cahaya menangis air mata pahit dan beristirahat untuk memulihkan energinya sedikit. Tapi dia segera melanjutkan pertempuran untuk mimpinya."

--- Paulo Coelho

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Often, during combat, the warrior of light receives blows that he was not expecting. And he realizes that, during a war, his enemy is bound to win some of the battles. When this happens, the warrior of light weeps bitter tears and rests in order to recover his energies a little. But he immediately resumes the battle for his dreams.