1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Rachel Caine: "Adakah yang berpikir itu aneh? ”Shane bertanya ketika m...

"Adakah yang berpikir itu aneh? ”Shane bertanya ketika mereka masuk ke mobil. Hawa mengirimnya pandangan jengkel; mereka bertiga, tentu saja, di kursi belakang. Amelie ada di depan, bersama Michael. "Ya, pikirkan? Secara umum, atau khususnya? "" Aneh bahwa kita telah melewati semuanya, dan aku tidak perlu memukul siapa pun. "Ada saat hening. Michael berkata, ketika dia menyalakan mobil, “Kamu benar, Shane. Itu aneh."

--- Rachel Caine

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Anybody else think that was weird?” Shane asked as they got into the car. Eve sent him an exasperated glance; the three of them were, of course, in the backseat. Amelie had the front, with Michael. “Ya think? In general, or in particular?” “Weird that we got through the entire thing, and I didn’t have to hit anybody.” There was a moment of silence. Michael said, as he started the car, “You’re right, Shane. That is strange.