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Seyyed Hossein Nasr: "Al-Qur'an secara eksplisit menentang pembunu...

"Al-Qur'an secara eksplisit menentang pembunuhan orang-orang tak berdosa dan Nabi selalu berhati-hati dalam melakukan itu. Jika mereka harus berperang, dia selalu berada di sisi perdamaian sesegera mungkin untuk membuat perdamaian karena itulah yang dikatakan Quran juga."

--- Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The Quran explicitly opposes the killing of innocent people and the Prophet was always careful in doing that. If they had to fight a war, he was always on the side of peace as soon as it was possible to make peace because that's what the Quran says also.