Sidney Blumenthal: "Dalam arti tertentu, George W. Bush telah mengguna...
"Dalam arti tertentu, George W. Bush telah menggunakan tragedi serangan teroris 11 September dan perluasan mimpi idenya tentang perang melawan teror untuk menaungi tindakan aktualnya di kantor tentang redistribusi kekayaan ke atas melalui pemotongan pajak progresif yang sebenarnya menghukum sebagian besar masyarakat, dan mengalihkan sumber daya mereka ke kelompok sempit di bagian paling atas."
--- Sidney BlumenthalVersi Bahasa Inggris
In a sense, George W. Bush has used the tragedy of the terrorist attacks of September 11th and the nightmarish expansion of his idea of a war on terror to overshadow his actual conduct in office on the redistribution of wealth upward through progressive tax cuts that actually penalize the vast majority of the public, and shift their resources to a narrow band at the very, very top.
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