1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Wayne Thiebaud: "Pokok bahasan saya adalah sejenis pengalaman sejati y...

"Pokok bahasan saya adalah sejenis pengalaman sejati yang keluar dari hidup saya, khususnya dunia Amerika di mana saya merasa istimewa. . . . Aku benar-benar akan memikirkan penghitung roti, tentang cara konter menyala, di mana pai diletakkan, tetapi aku hanya menginginkan sepotong pengalaman. Dari ketika saya bekerja di restoran. . . [Itu] selalu puitis bagi saya."

--- Wayne Thiebaud

Versi Bahasa Inggris

My subject matter was a genuine sort of experience that came out of my life, particularly the American world in which I was privileged to be . . . . I would really think of the bakery counters, of the way the counter was lit, where the pies were placed, but I wanted just a piece of the experience. From when I worked in restaurants . . . [it was] always poetic to me.