1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cynthia Voigt: "Mungkin hidup itu seperti laut, dan semua orang sepert...

"Mungkin hidup itu seperti laut, dan semua orang seperti perahu ... Semua orang yang lahir dibuang ke laut. Angin akan meniup mereka ke segala arah. Air pasang akan bangkit dan berputar, dengan ritme mereka sendiri. Dan kapal-kapal - mereka hanya berjalan sebaik mungkin, berusaha mencari pelabuhan."

--- Cynthia Voigt

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Maybe life was like a sea, and all the people were like boats ... Everybody who was born was cast into the sea. Winds would blow them in all directions. Tides would rise and turn, in their own rhythm. And the boats - they just went along as best they could, trying to find a harbor.