1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Freda Bright: "Pada akhir 1600-an instrumen terbaik berasal dari tiga...

"Pada akhir 1600-an instrumen terbaik berasal dari tiga keluarga pedesaan yang bengkelnya berdampingan di desa Cremona, Italia. Yang pertama adalah Amatis, dan di luar toko mereka tergantung tanda: "Biola terbaik di seluruh Italia." Tidak mau kalah, tetangga sebelah mereka, keluarga Guarnerius, menggantungkan tanda yang lebih berani menyatakan: "Biola Terbaik Di Seluruh Dunia!" Di ujung jalan ada bengkel Anton Stradivarius, dan di pintu depannya ada pemberitahuan sederhana yang berbunyi: "Biola terbaik di blok itu.""

--- Freda Bright

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In the late 1600s the finest instruments originated from three rural families whose workshops were side by side in the Italian village of Cremona. First were the Amatis, and outside their shop hung a sign: "The best violins in all Italy." Not to be outdone, their next-door neighbors, the family Guarnerius, hung a bolder sign proclaiming: "The Best Violins In All The World!" At the end of the street was the workshop of Anton Stradivarius, and on its front door was a simple notice which read: "The best violins on the block."