1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Josh Gates: "Hal yang luar biasa tentang [Amelia Earhart] adalah, di m...

"Hal yang luar biasa tentang [Amelia Earhart] adalah, di mata dunia, dia tidak pernah mati. Ketakutannya tidak pernah disaksikan, kegagalannya tidak pernah dicatat, Electra bermesin ganda yang mengkilap tidak pernah pulih. Warisan inspirasi Earhart diperkuat karena petualangannya abadi. Kami tidak menganggapnya mati; kami menganggapnya hilang. Dia selamanya terbang, di suatu tempat di luar Lae, di atas cakrawala biru tanpa batas."

--- Josh Gates

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The magnificent thing about her [Amelia Earhart] is, in the eyes of the world, she simply never died. Her fear never witnessed, her failure never recorded, her shiny twin-engine Electra never recovered. Earhart's legacy of inspiration is amplified because her adventure is perpetual. We don't think of her as dead; we think of her as missing. She is forever flying, somewhere beyond Lae, over that limitless blue horizon.