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Martin Scorsese: "Michael Jackson luar biasa. Ketika kami bekerja bers...

"Michael Jackson luar biasa. Ketika kami bekerja bersama di 'Bad,' saya kagum pada penguasaan mutlak gerakannya di satu sisi, dan musik di sisi lain. Setiap langkah yang diambilnya sangat tepat dan lancar pada saat bersamaan. Rasanya seperti menonton quicksilver bergerak. Dia hebat untuk bekerja dengan, seorang profesional absolut setiap saat, dan itu benar-benar tidak perlu dikatakan ... seorang seniman sejati. Butuh beberapa saat sebelum aku terbiasa dengan gagasan bahwa dia tidak lagi bersama kita."

--- Martin Scorsese

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Michael Jackson was extraordinary. When we worked together on 'Bad,' I was in awe of his absolute mastery of movement on the one hand, and of the music on the other. Every step he took was absolutely precise and fluid at the same time. It was like watching quicksilver in motion. He was wonderful to work with, an absolute professional at all times, and it really goes without saying... a true artist. It will be a while before I can get used to the idea that he's no longer with us.