Saint Augustine: "Meskipun ia menghindari pandangan yang langsung mend...
"Meskipun ia menghindari pandangan yang langsung mendukung pandangan tersebut, Pastor Saint Augustine dari Gereja abad ke-5 jelas akrab dengan teori bola bumi: "Mereka [mereka yang percaya bahwa" ada orang di sisi lain bumi "] gagal untuk mengamati bahwa bahkan jika dunia dianggap global atau bundar, atau jika beberapa proses penalaran membuktikan hal ini, masih belum tentu bahwa tanah di sisi yang berlawanan tidak ditutupi oleh massa air. ""

Versi Bahasa Inggris
Though he avoided outright endorsement of the view, fifth-century Church Father Saint Augustine was clearly familiar with the theory of the spherical earth: "They [those who believe that "there are men on the other side of the earth"] fail to observe that even if the world is held to be global or rounded in shape, or if some process of reasoning should prove this to be the case, it would still not necessarily follow that the land on the opposite side is not covered by masses of water."
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