1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Sebastian Faulks: "Para lelaki menyukai lelucon, meskipun mereka telah...

"Para lelaki menyukai lelucon, meskipun mereka telah mendengar masing-masing sebelumnya. Sikap Jack sangat meyakinkan; beberapa dari mereka telah melihat cerita-cerita lama disampaikan dengan sangat baik. Jack sendiri tertawa sedikit, tetapi dia bisa melihat efek penampilannya terhadap pendengarnya. Suara tawa mereka meraung seperti laut di telinganya. Dia menginginkannya semakin keras; dia ingin mereka menenggelamkan perang dengan tawa mereka. Jika bisa cukup keras, mereka mungkin membawa dunia kembali ke akal sehatnya; mereka mungkin tertawa cukup keras untuk membangkitkan orang mati."

--- Sebastian Faulks

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The men loved jokes, though they had heard each one before. Jack's manner was persuasive; few of them had seen the old stories so well delivered. Jack himeself laughed a little, but he was able to see the effect his performance had on his audience. The noise of their laughter roared like the sea in his ears. He wanted it louder and louder; he wanted them to drown out the war with their laughter. If the could should loud enough, they might bring the world back to its senses; they might laugh loud enough to raise the dead.