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Manfred Rommel: "Saya pikir ayah saya [Erwin Rommel] akan memberikan j...

"Saya pikir ayah saya [Erwin Rommel] akan memberikan jawaban yang sama. Inggris, Amerika, dan Prancis terlalu kuat, terlalu kuat dan strategi pertempuran ini terlalu pintar. Dan perang mungkin - itu akan memakan waktu beberapa minggu lebih lama sebelum front Jerman ditembus. Dan omong-omong, hari ini kita tahu bahwa lebih baik kalah perang daripada menang dengan Hitler."

--- Manfred Rommel

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think my father [ Erwin Rommel] would have given the same answer. The British and Americans and the French were too strong, too strong and the strategy of this battle was too clever. And the war may be - it would have taken some weeks longer before the German front was penetrated. And by the way, today we know that it was better to lose the war than to win it with Hitler.